Axpert MAX ll 8KW
Axpert MAX ll 8KW
Axpert MAX ll 8KW
Axpert MAX ll 8KW
Axpert MAX ll 8KW
Axpert MAX ll 8KW
Axpert MAX ll 8KW
Axpert MAX ll 8KW


Axpert MAX ll 8KW

Solar inverter

Voltronic Power Technology Corp.

Axpert MAX II 8KW is an all-in-one off-grid multi-function inverter with the newest technologies and a modern design. It combines the functions of inverter, solar charger, and battery charger to offer uninterruptible power support in a single package. Users won’t experience any unpredictable power outages at their homes or firms. Batteries charged with solar energy allow users’ homes to function even if extreme weather conditions disrupt power or increase energy demand. It also helps users reduce electricity costs by using solar energy.

Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 months
Target Regions
Africa, Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe, North America, South America
Target Groups
Consumer / User