Barry Wehmiller HMI Design System
Barry Wehmiller HMI Design System
Barry Wehmiller HMI Design System
Barry Wehmiller HMI Design System
Barry Wehmiller HMI Design System
Barry Wehmiller HMI Design System
Barry Wehmiller HMI Design System
Barry Wehmiller HMI Design System


Barry Wehmiller HMI Design System

HMI System

The multi-touch interface system for US company Barry Wehmiller's wide range of different packaging and filling machines is characterized by an outstanding focus on the interlinked factors of human, task, process, and machine. One interface for all machine types, fast access to all information and configuration parameters via dashboards and user-friendly navigation structures ensure a high level of operating comfort. The always available main navigation, a clear alarm system and quickly comprehensible visualizations of complex workflows such as troubleshooting processes form the backbone of an ergonomically optimized interface system.

Client / Manufacturer

BW Packaging

St. Louis, Missouri, US
chilli mind GmbH

chilli mind GmbH

Kassel, DE
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 24 Month
Target Regions
Africa, Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe, North America, South America
Target Groups
Trade / Industry