Medical Assistive Garment
Emily Carr University of Art + Design Industrial Design
Autistic children suffer from sensory disorders that sometimes a minor noise or certain smell can be painful to them. It is proven that stimulations like music, aroma therapy, and textured toys can help them to cope with the disorders. Beagle is a scarf-hoodie designed for children with autism. It is a portable and self-soothing garment that empowers the children to cope with the sensory disorders. It features a noise reduction hood with speakers for music relaxation. Also, customizable aroma patches and textured inner pockets can be inserted into this garment to stimulate their senses for an quick relief in a remote environment.
Client / ManufacturerUNIVERSITYWINNER
Emily Carr University of Art + Design Industrial Design
Vancouver, CAEmily Carr University of Art + Design Industrial Design
Vancouver, CAEmily Carr University
Emily Carr University of Art + Design Industrial Design