Bernhard Flöck
Bernhard Flöck
Bernhard Flöck
Bernhard Flöck


Bernhard Flöck

Grand pianos

The new brand architecture unifies the two houses "Piano Porth" in Wiesbaden and "Piano Flöck" in Koblenz visually. Provides clarity, credibility and synergies for existing and new customers. The new design positions the brand as a contemporary player in the traditional upright and grand piano market. Staging traditional craftsmanship and the pleasure to play the instruments. The enthusiasm behind the brand is reflected in the photographic style and the fine typography. Appealing to new younger customers, demanding customer and professional players alike.

Client / Manufacturer

Bernhard Flöck – Klaviere & Flügel Piano Porth / Piano Flöck

Wiesbaden / St. Sebastian-Koblenz, DE
Elevate GmbH Brand Identity & Design

Elevate GmbH Brand Identity & Design

München, DE
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 months
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumer / User