Bicycle fence
Bicycle fence
Bicycle fence
Bicycle fence
Bicycle fence
Bicycle fence
Bicycle fence
Bicycle fence


Bicycle fence

Bicycle racks

Bicycles have recently been in the spotlight as the ideal low-carbon green mode of transportation and they are getting more popular all the time. Because large numbers of people use bicycles in the city, it’s important to have enough bicycle racks, but there is often not enough space to install them. The Bicycle Fence is a good solution to this problem. It combines a bicycle rack with a fence to take advantage of even small spaces in the city in an efficient, practical way. It is a highly economical design which serves two purposes in public places.


I am very honored to get this big award. "Bicycle Fence" is designed to improve an inconvenience problem when it comes to commuting that I encountered in daily life. I have seen a lot of people in the city ride their bicycles, yet they have been tied to trees or fences because there has been no bicycle racks. So an idea came up to combine fences with bicycle racks and I made the progress in its design. This award brought me so much confidence. Specially, I would like to thank for the professors and my friends who helped me through the project.

Client / Manufacturer

Hyupsung University

Hwaseong, KR

Hyupsung University

Ansan, KR

Hyupsung University

Hyupsung University