Bixby Text Call
Bixby Text Call
Bixby Text Call
Bixby Text Call
Bixby Text Call
Bixby Text Call
Bixby Text Call
Bixby Text Call
Bixby Text Call
Bixby Text Call


Bixby Text Call

Communication UX for answering calls

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

Bixby Text Call allows you to answer calls in any environment. Whether you are at a loud concert where your voice cannot be heard or in a meeting where you cannot speak up, Bixby Text Call enables you to communicate with the caller using text. Bixby Text Call converts the caller’s words into text and displays them on your screen, and you can respond in text, which will be converted to audio and delivered to the caller. Because Bixby Text Call is an on-device feature whose process is carried out completely on your phone, it works with any call regardless of the phone type or mobile carrier of the caller, and it also does not use mobile data.

Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 24 Month
Target Regions
Africa, Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe, North America, South America
Target Groups
Consumers / Users