Bon Kettle
Bon Kettle
Bon Kettle
Bon Kettle
Bon Kettle
Bon Kettle
Bon Kettle
Bon Kettle


Bon Kettle

Electric kettle

DKnP Inc.

SiDO Bon Kettle is a functional and an aesthetically attractive IoT electric kettle designed to enrich the experience of everyday use. The modern and attractive kettle and power tray connector was designed with six hidden technologies to improve user safety. These not only let you boil water but also heat it to any temperature from 40 to 100⁰C in 5⁰C increments, which makes it better for making various types of tea and coffee. The subtle nozzle was designed to allow water to be poured out smoothly, which ensures a simple and convenient user experience.

Date of Launch
Development Time
13 - 24 months
Target Regions
Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe, North America, South America
Target Groups
Consumer / User