Britax Römer
Britax Römer
Britax Römer
Britax Römer
Britax Römer
Britax Römer
Britax Römer
Britax Römer
Britax Römer
Britax Römer
Britax Römer
Britax Römer
Britax Römer
Britax Römer


Britax Römer

Child car seat

Britax Roemer Kindersicherheit GmbH

The aim was to develop a revolutionary product that has it all – superior safety, comfort, longevity and a sleek look. Designed for children weighing 9–18kg, this car seat uses a 5-point harness. For older children the car seat becomes a highback booster with deep, protective side wings. Featuring a new FLIP&GROW function, parents are now able to switch seamlessly from an integrated 5-point harness to a highback booster in just a few simple steps as their child grows. Together with the adjustable SICT, it provides superior side impact protection. Thanks to the new design, three seats can be installed in the back row side by side.

Date of Launch
Development Time
13 - 24 months
Target Regions
Asia, Europe
Target Groups
Consumer / User