Buddyrich coffee
Buddyrich coffee
Buddyrich coffee
Buddyrich coffee
Buddyrich coffee
Buddyrich coffee
Buddyrich coffee
Buddyrich coffee
Buddyrich coffee
Buddyrich coffee
Buddyrich coffee
Buddyrich coffee
Buddyrich coffee
Buddyrich coffee


Buddyrich coffee

coffee packaging

Buddyrich coffee is a small coffee shop of less than 30 square meters.The audience is young consumers who like to try new flavors. The client hopes to design a mixed and diversified concept of the brand. In the design, we have tried to duplicate and overlap Chinese and English fonts, brand IP image, coffee shop address, urban building landmark illustration, etc. A variety of elements use different dislocation mixing typesetting implies the diversified and mixed personality of the brand. The whole set of design guided by this concept is based on the thinking of font, illustration separation, reorganization, diversification and mixing.

iF Gold Statement

By mixing Chinese and Roman fonts with a variety of black and white motifs, Buddyrich Coffee, a new coffee brand in China, has crafted a unique identity. Marrying the modern and the traditional, East and West, technology and nature, this design exemplifies the potential of great packaging to effectively and playfully communicate the brand to the consumer. A worthy gold winner!
Client / Manufacturer

Buddyrich coffee

Shantou, CN

Linshaobin Design Shenzhen

Shenzhen, CNShaobin Lin,Yuxia Wu
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 6 Month
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumers / Users