Building safe homes for women leaving prison
Reintegration program
Clean Start offers transitional housing, economic opportunities, and psychosocial support for women and girls who are getting back on their feet after a recent release from prison. Based on our own lived experiences, women lose their homes while in custody, and 60% of women prisoners do not have homes to go to on release. Finding affordable and secure housing is almost impossible for women leaving prison. The cost is a major barrier, particularly for women who are unemployed and uneducated. Safe and secure housing is crucial in breaking the cycle of re-offending.
Few face as uphill of a battle as mothers exiting prison with children. Cle, n Start has a specific, straightforward plan with strong partners in government and academia, to support these families. Philanthropy for brick and mortar is underfunded, but is the foundation to change.
WINNER STATEMENTWe are excited for winning the iF SOCIAL IMPACT PRIZE 2024. This award is a crucial endorsement of our mission to provide safe housing for formerly imprisoned women. This funding will enhance our impact, enabling us to offer stable environments where women can rebuild their lives and reintegrate successfully. We're grateful for this support, which amplifies our commitment to transformative change and community resilience.