Cainiao IoT Self-service mailbox
Cainiao IoT Self-service mailbox
Cainiao IoT Self-service mailbox
Cainiao IoT Self-service mailbox
Cainiao IoT Self-service mailbox
Cainiao IoT Self-service mailbox
Cainiao IoT Self-service mailbox
Cainiao IoT Self-service mailbox
Cainiao IoT Self-service mailbox
Cainiao IoT Self-service mailbox
Cainiao IoT Self-service mailbox
Cainiao IoT Self-service mailbox
Cainiao IoT Self-service mailbox
Cainiao IoT Self-service mailbox


Cainiao IoT Self-service mailbox


Cainiao Network Technology Co., Ltd.

In China, the delivery industry offers two-hour collection. However, users still feel anxious due to the wait and the uncertainty of the final cost. During the COVID-19 pandemic, contact with strangers has become risky. The IoT mailbox is a self-express solution proposed by CAINIAO. Users can process their shipments by scanning the QR code. Thanks to this system, express delivery can become more convenient and wait-free, ensuring contactless handling and transparent pricing. IoT mailboxes have the potential to provide us with a safe and reliable delivery service.

Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 months
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumer / User, Other target groups: the express industry, the express service provider