Caobu Public Library Logo
Caobu Public Library Logo
Caobu Public Library Logo
Caobu Public Library Logo
Caobu Public Library Logo
Caobu Public Library Logo
Caobu Public Library Logo
Caobu Public Library Logo
Caobu Public Library Logo
Caobu Public Library Logo
Caobu Public Library Logo
Caobu Public Library Logo


Caobu Public Library Logo

Library logo

The Caobu Public Library is located in Caobu village, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, China. The library needed a logotype that could communicate the essence of a library as well as the name of the town. The logo is the Chinese word “書” (book) laid out in a positive space. The word “曹” (Cao: Caobu village's first character in Chinese) is hidden in the negative space of the design.

Client / Manufacturer

Caobu Economic Cooperative

Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, CN
Centre Design

Centre Design

Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, CN
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 months
Target Regions
Specific country/region: CHINA
Target Groups
Public Sector Government