Cargob Urban Eco-Bicycle
Bicycle concept design
This is a new eco urban movement solution being used for delivery. Urban areas are becoming more saturated leaving less room for vehicles and a greater need for cycling. Same applies to delivery services. The Cargob Urban Eco-Bicycle offers a more environmental and efficient space-saving delivery method. 1. The front cart can be separated from the bike, which allows the delivery guy to simply unlock the front cart and pull it into the building, instead of uploading everything to another cart. 2. The motor on the back wheel can collect energy from riding and transfer for charging device. 3. The user experience aims to simplify the delivery process too.
Well designed Christiania bike with the added value of being able to be used as a sack barrow.
WINNER STATEMENTI am extremely honored and thankful to receive this award. This is an important milestone in my design journey. Long way to go, more to come.