CD Adveniat
CD Adveniat
CD Adveniat
CD Adveniat


CD Adveniat

Corporate Design

A new logo and Corporate Design have been created for the episcopal Adveniat campaign, the German relief agency run on donations by the Catholic Church in Latin America, which clearly conveys the aims of the organization. The figurative logo is a depiction of the continent in building blocks as symbols for the diversity of the projects they support. Alongside the new figurative trademark logo is a lively and flexible design system that also makes use of the building blocks. The CD visually embodies their operating methods: agile, transparent and focused on the success of local projects – as building blocks for a more humane world.

Client / Manufacturer

Bischöfliche Aktion Adveniat

Essen, DE
wirDesign communication AG

wirDesign communication AG

Braunschweig, DE