cellular - the breathing facade tile
Facade tile
Approximately 57% of the world’s population now lives in cities, exposed to the harmful effects of air pollution and heat accumulation. ‘cellular’ is a tile that integrates the natural growth of algae as an architectural element. The hollow ceramic panels function as rainwater stores, creating a humid environment that is the perfect habitat for algae. Different surface coatings allow for the definition of area and color. This micropatina produces oxygen and absorbs many air pollutants, while the evaporating rainwater creates a natural air conditioning effect.
This design embraces a new approach to architecture, one that seeks to invite rather than expel the natural world, in the process creating new and vibrant urban ecosystems.
WINNER STATEMENTI am deeply honored and grateful to win the iF DESIGN STUDENT AWARD. This acknowledgment reinforces my dedication to ecologically and socially inclusive design, embracing and celebrating the presence of more than the human species in cities.
UNIVERSITYKunsthochschule Berlin Weißensee
Berlin, DE