CGV Hadan
CGV Hadan
CGV Hadan
CGV Hadan
CGV Hadan
CGV Hadan
CGV Hadan
CGV Hadan
CGV Hadan
CGV Hadan
CGV Hadan
CGV Hadan
CGV Hadan
CGV Hadan


CGV Hadan

Commercial interior design

Designed & executed by a fashion business client, a ‘Textile Factory’ concept was applied to CGV Hadan to form a unique identity. CGV’s distinct ‘Retro Vintage’ concept was married with inspiration from textile manufacturing processes, to create a one-of-a-kind space. The space’s overall tone and manner, along with the materials used, reflect the ‘Retro Vintage’ style while each individual area gathers inspiration from the 4 stages of textile manufacture (spinning, weaving, dyeing, and sewing). To enhance guests’ experience, the 11 floors were grouped and categorized to demonstrate a step in the manufacturing flow, from spinning at the top, then weaving, dyeing, and sewing.

Client / Manufacturer

Fashion Group Hyungji

Seoul, KR

OIEH &design. Co., Ltd.

Gyeonggi-do, KR

OIEH &design. Co., Ltd.

Gyeonggi-do, KR
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 months
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumer / User