Cloud Telescope
Cloud Telescope
Cloud Telescope
Cloud Telescope


Cloud Telescope

Product to help Kids Learning about Weather

The weather telescope is an educational tool designed to help children understand more about the weather. The inspiration comes from children's natural love of observing unusual cloud formations in the sky, even without understanding the science behind those formations. The cloud telescope is very easy to use and carry. By looking through the device, children can see information about the clouds they selected in the VR interface, thus providing a fun and relaxed way to increase their understanding of weather.


This is a refreshing alternative to tablet- or phone-based applications to help children recognize and learn about weather and clouds. Its reference to the form of a telescope recalls the earliest human fascination with sky-gazing. The integration of AR technology elevates sky-gazing above the level of a toy, making it a truly educational, but still very fun-to-use device. Well done!


I am very excited to win the iF DESIGN STUDENT AWARD for Best of the Year. I feel very honored that my design has been recognized by a prestigious international platform. I will continue to work hard with positive faith to create good designs and contribute to a better world.


Royal College of Art

London, GB

Jingyi Jiang

Royal College of Art