Coaching program for better sleep
Coaching program for better sleep
Coaching program for better sleep
Coaching program for better sleep
Coaching program for better sleep
Coaching program for better sleep
Coaching program for better sleep
Coaching program for better sleep
Coaching program for better sleep
Coaching program for better sleep


Coaching program for better sleep

Health service to help you improve your sleep qual

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

Sleep coaching is a health service that analyzes the sleep type of users who want quality sleep and helps them get better sleep. We study the user's sleep patterns for a week and then match them with a 'sleep animal' that fits their individual sleep type. Animal characters that match the user's sleeping type make the user feel friendly and interested. Samsung Health understands that each individual's sleep requirementry from person to person, thus the program will be curated specially for you based on your sleep patterns. Daily missions and checklists help you develop good sleep habits, and you can receive useful guidance and sleep analysis

Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 24 Month
Target Regions
Africa, Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe, North America, South America
Target Groups
Consumers / Users, "who wants to get better sleep"