Power Cable
Often, power cables are too long. They clutter up our living environment and look untidy. COCO jack’s unique design is a perfect solution to this problem. You can simply roll up the surplus cable: pull out the jack by turning the internal retracting cylinder, then roll up the surplus cable around the cylinder and, finally, push the jack back into the wall.
It's a beautiful minimalistic project. Redesigning a wall socket can be hard, but the shape is exactly what it needs to be: elegant, delicate and functional. Easy to understand how it works, helps with safety and spatial concept and ambience too. Congrats!
WINNER STATEMENTA product design based on a user-centered concept that integrates efficiency, science, functionality and usability.
UNIVERSITYGuangdong University of Technology
Guangdong Province Guangzhou City, CNGuangdong University of Technology