Cradle of Life
Cradle of Life
Cradle of Life
Cradle of Life
Cradle of Life
Cradle of Life
Cradle of Life
Cradle of Life
Cradle of Life
Cradle of Life
Cradle of Life
Cradle of Life
Cradle of Life
Cradle of Life


Cradle of Life

Mycelium Pet Afterlife Box

The "Cradle of Life" enables pets to return to nature and continue their journey after passing away. Grown from mycelium, this special box interacts with the ashes and transforms into organic compost fertilizer when buried underground. This process facilitates the growth of the seeds placed within the box, fostering a continuous cycle of life. The "Cradle of Life" symbolizes the beginning of a new life, providing pet owners with a positive means of commemorating their pets and filling their hearts with warmth. This more meaningful experience and process honors nature and expresses deep emotions for their beloved animals.

Client / Manufacturer

Sichuan Institute of Edible lungi

Sichuan, CN

Southwest Jiaotong University

Sichuan, CNLi Zhang, Jinyi Zhi, Jian Yang, Chao Wang, Zhengnan Liu, Yuan Tang, Yaling Liu, Junge Chen, Wenzhuo Cong
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 6 Month
Target Regions
Africa, Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe, North America, South America
Target Groups
Consumers / Users