Das Wissen der Welt
Brand space, press and public event Frankfurt book fair
Bibliographisches Institut & F.A. Brockhaus AG
The installation of 30 replicas of the Brockhaus Encyclopedia each of them 3.40 m high placed in a round formation was a tribute to the timeless validity of the knowledge in the encyclopedias of Brockhaus. The circle of enormous books could be entered from all sides. In addition, a permanent sound performance could be heard from each of the different volumes: the knowledge of the world became audible. For the unveiling of the installation, a phonetic opera for 30 + 1 voices was composed and performed, with the choir standing high above the audience in the Brockhaus-replicas, and the soloist in the middle of the circle.
Client / ManufacturerDesign
Bibliographisches Institut & F.A. Brockhaus AG
Mannheim, DEEARrelevant Music
New York, US