DAZZLE Air Conditioner Crystal Concept
DAZZLE Air Conditioner Crystal Concept
DAZZLE Air Conditioner Crystal Concept
DAZZLE Air Conditioner Crystal Concept


DAZZLE Air Conditioner Crystal Concept

Air conditioner

Haier Air Conditioner Gen. Co., Ltd.

OLED screen, touch technology, optical fiber and crystal material were applied in “DAZZLE Air Conditioner Crystal Concept”. Break through the traditional impression of home appliances for the living room and create high-end artistic image. Every optical fiber connected with crystal ball and independent light sources. The crystal ball will glow when optical fiber is connected, and it will swing when the wind from the air-conditioner works on it. Another concept delivers the natural crystal charm through irregular crystal and a touch button. From any corner of the room you can see the content of display that is refracted by crystal.