DECATHLON Velocargo F900E
DECATHLON Velocargo F900E
DECATHLON Velocargo F900E
DECATHLON Velocargo F900E
DECATHLON Velocargo F900E
DECATHLON Velocargo F900E
DECATHLON Velocargo F900E
DECATHLON Velocargo F900E
DECATHLON Velocargo F900E
DECATHLON Velocargo F900E
DECATHLON Velocargo F900E
DECATHLON Velocargo F900E
DECATHLON Velocargo F900E
DECATHLON Velocargo F900E


DECATHLON Velocargo F900E

Cargo Bike


A cabin on two wheels. At Decathlon, we're parents who designed a riding cabin for your children's urban adventures. They can independently access their car's interior, a carriage seat, or a rocket's cockpit, creating lasting memories. We're also cyclists, so we've made this possible with a fully equipped bike. It comes with a built-in rain cover for seamless daily commutes. Decathlon believes in helping people embrace car-free living while enjoying cycling. In 2024, we're expanding our cargo bike family with the Velocargo F900E family, ensuring your children stay dry. Discover the freedom of living without a car with your children.

Date of Launch
Development Time
more than 24 Month
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumers / Users