Adaptive gripper
Festo SE & Co. KGThe adaptive gripper DHDG consists of a pneumatic drive in a robust basic body as well as three gripper fingers. The fingers are equipped with FinRay Effect ® (Evologics GmbH) for reliable and non-destructive gripping of fragile materials, irregular workpieces or pressure-sensitive components. As the name suggests, the effect is modelled on the fins of fish. The gripper is fabricated from polyamide in a selective laser sintering process. The open design of the basic body enables space-saving integration of the gripper fingers' movement mechanism.
iF Gold Statement
With a dynamic carrier and minimalist use of materials, this grappler is able to grip fragile materials securely and reliably. It also features a very appealing overall design. An extremely clever solution: the finger on the arm was inspired by the movement of a fish's tail fin.