Dot Translate
Dot Translate
Dot Translate
Dot Translate


Dot Translate

Braille Translator

Only 3% of all text content is available in Braille, because translation is so complex that it requires input by human experts. Dot Translate is the first Braille translator based on AI. It can translate any digital text to Braille on its own, at near-human accuracy. This is because it is being trained with millions of the most accurate human translation samples to understand context. Dot Translate is accessible through an intuitive web interface, Dot devices and other digital Braille devices. It can translate a wide range of formats and even entire websites.

Client / Manufacturer

Dot Incorporation

Seoul, KR
Serviceplan / Plan.Net Germany

Serviceplan / Plan.Net Germany

München, DE
Date of Launch
Development Time
13 - 24 months
Target Regions
Africa, Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe, North America, South America
Target Groups
Consumer / User, Trade / Industry, Public Sector / Government