Dream Kids Station
Dream Kids Station
Dream Kids Station
Dream Kids Station
Dream Kids Station
Dream Kids Station
Dream Kids Station
Dream Kids Station
Dream Kids Station
Dream Kids Station
Dream Kids Station
Dream Kids Station
Dream Kids Station
Dream Kids Station


Dream Kids Station

Bus Station for kids In the apartment complex

Hwasung Industrial

"Design of waiting space for school buses for parents and children's convenience" It is designed to ensure that children living in apartment complex can wait safely and conveniently when using school buses. Curve and layer designs inspired by nature and yellow and white colors favored by children stimulate emotional stability and curiosity. Moreover, the interior space can be utilized by children and mothers comfortably in snow or rain throughout all four seasons via interior designs including woodtone, wall greening and bookshelves, and it will also be used as a space for relaxation, friendship and communication.

Client / Manufacturer
Hwasung Industrial

Hwasung Industrial

Daegu, KR
Hwasung Industrial

Hwasung Industrial

Daegu, KRDesign team

Sein Environment design

Seoul, KRDesign team
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 Month
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumers / Users, Public Sector / Government, "children and parents"