Earthquake Disaster Package
Earthquake Disaster Package
Earthquake Disaster Package
Earthquake Disaster Package
Earthquake Disaster Package
Earthquake Disaster Package
Earthquake Disaster Package
Earthquake Disaster Package
Earthquake Disaster Package
Earthquake Disaster Package
Earthquake Disaster Package
Earthquake Disaster Package
Earthquake Disaster Package
Earthquake Disaster Package


Earthquake Disaster Package

Safety manual

The Daegu-Gyeongbuk area is classified as an earthquake risk area due to the high frequency of earthquakes compared to other areas, but citizen safety awareness is inadequate. This convenient Earthquake Disaster Guide was developed applying service design methodology. It features situation-appropriate story settings, content that addresses situations before, during, and after an earthquake, and cartoons so that people can view it as an easy-to-read guide they can refer to daily. This earthquake information material was distributed to all households in Daegu, educating citizens on basic earthquake facts and consolidating Daegu’s image as a safe city.

Client / Manufacturer

DAEGU METROPOLITAN CITY Natural disaster department

Daegu, KR

design sun

Daegu, KR
Date of Launch
Development Time
25 - 36 months
Target Regions
Specific country/region: Korea / Daegu
Target Groups
Public Sector Government