Electoral Aesthetics
Electoral Aesthetics
Electoral Aesthetics
Electoral Aesthetics
Electoral Aesthetics
Electoral Aesthetics
Electoral Aesthetics
Electoral Aesthetics
Electoral Aesthetics
Electoral Aesthetics
Electoral Aesthetics
Electoral Aesthetics


Electoral Aesthetics

Election Experience Optimization

Taiwan Design Research Institute (TDRI)

As the most sensitive issue in Taiwan subject to strict regulations, all election bulletins have been directly edited and printed by government agencies for 40 years. However, the information can be challenging to understand. Therefore, TDRI initiated a collaboration with the Central Election Commission to create a more precise and smoother election experience from the voters' perspective under applicable laws and budgets. In addition to optimizing election bulletins and signage at polling stations, which are most main points of public contact, we set professional standards for future applications of electoral services.

Client / Manufacturer

Taiwan Design Research Institute (TDRI)

Taipei, TW

Central Election Commission (CEC)

Taipei, TW

graphic room

New Taipei, TW


Taipei, TW
Date of Launch
Development Time
more than 24 Month
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumers / Users, Trade / Industry, Public Sector / Government