Electrical Safety Ecosystem
Electrical Safety Ecosystem
Electrical Safety Ecosystem
Electrical Safety Ecosystem
Electrical Safety Ecosystem
Electrical Safety Ecosystem
Electrical Safety Ecosystem
Electrical Safety Ecosystem
Electrical Safety Ecosystem
Electrical Safety Ecosystem
Electrical Safety Ecosystem
Electrical Safety Ecosystem
Electrical Safety Ecosystem
Electrical Safety Ecosystem


Electrical Safety Ecosystem

All-in-one electrical safety system

Eaton - Electrical Sector

The Eaton Electrical Safety Ecosystem (EESE) is a complete system for industrial-grade electrical safety. From tracking tools, PPE, cameras, and locks, EESE eliminates the risk of an arc flash while working in an incredibly dangerous field. Eaton's system is simple and intuitive yet robust and feature-packed, all accessed from a phone app. Connected cameras track tagged tools across safety barriers, or if a technician is under-geared. Smart locks are impossible to unlock when someone is in an arc flash zone. Eaton used decades of experience in the field, user testing, and market research to create a comprehensive, one-of-a-kind system.

Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 Month
Target Regions
North America
Target Groups
Trade / Industry, Public Sector / Government