Essential PH-1
Essential PH-1
Essential PH-1
Essential PH-1


Essential PH-1


Essential Products

Essential Products is an upstart CE company battling lumbering industry giants. With their flagship phone, PH-1, Essential is unveiling sophisticated devices that embody truly forward-thinking technologies, a glimpse of the future that fits in your hand. A triumph of minimalism and engineering, PH-1 is the first smartphone to feature a 3-sided borderless display, durable titanium frame, scratch-proof ceramic back, logo-free body, and magnetically attachable, modular accessories such as the Essential 360° camera. Every detail is built for modern users who demand capability without compromise.

Date of Launch
Development Time
13 - 24 months
Target Regions
Asia, Europe, North America
Target Groups
Consumer / User, Specific sub-group: Early adopters