Filo Table
Filo Table
Filo Table
Filo Table


Filo Table

Conference table

Bene AG

Concentrating on what matters: An intelligent system for conference, meeting, areas for concentrated communication. Its lightness owes to the shape of its legs. These each has four arms spread wide like "antlers", which support the table top and give it its stability. One table leg supports two table tops. The modular character of the table and the fact that it is easy to work with make the Filo table adaptable to the unique requirements stipulated by the room or the type of meeting. Cables are routed to a media panel on the underside of the table. Sockets are easily accessible, yet hidden under the surface, ensuring a smooth appearance.

Client / Manufacturer
Bene AG

Bene AG

Wien, AT

Eoos Design GmbH

Wien, AT