Flexi All-In-One
Flexi All-In-One
Flexi All-In-One
Flexi All-In-One
Flexi All-In-One
Flexi All-In-One
Flexi All-In-One
Flexi All-In-One


Flexi All-In-One


Haier Group

The flexible and changing usage requirements of users cannot be satisfied with traditional integrated devices. The touchscreen of the Flexi All-In-One series is an integrated device that acts as a support which cleverly connects a portion of the base with the rear components, it rotates various angles via a concealed axis, and its abundant setups and external looks satisfy the users’ requirements for convenient portable operations, sharing viewing at various angles with many people etc. The simplistic silhouette adds to the classic color pairing of silver and black, which manifests the product’s sense of quality.