Friendly Door Handles
Disability aid
It takes time for a visually impaired person to become familiar with a new environment, and they often require assistance from others to learn about hazards and safety features of a new room. This silicone door handle sleeve printed with braille instructions offers visually impaired users important room information before opening the door. Silicone is flexible and anti-slip, and adapts to various shapes of handle. The sleeves can also be freely combined and arranged by users. This design is low-cost and easy to install, yet has the potential to make a huge difference for visually impaired users.
Though other products responding to the problems blind people face with door handles already exist, this project offers a practical solution that can be customized to a wide variety of situations. This design separates itself from existing products through a very high cost-benefit ratio. Though there is always room for improvement, the designer’s simple and friendly approach to the problem results in a positive experience for visually impaired users. It also has the potential to convey information to other users through the color and texture of the sleeve.
WINNER STATEMENTI feel very honored to receive this award. I would like to thank my family for always believing in me! Thanks also to my Prof. Hsinfu Huang for giving me the valuable design advice and to my classmates who helped me a lot in my study and always gave me courage. I will double my efforts in the future. A final thanks to the judges. I’m flattered to be selected.