FUJIFILM Prescale mobile
FUJIFILM Prescale mobile
FUJIFILM Prescale mobile
FUJIFILM Prescale mobile
FUJIFILM Prescale mobile
FUJIFILM Prescale mobile
FUJIFILM Prescale mobile
FUJIFILM Prescale mobile


FUJIFILM Prescale mobile

new pressure measurement solution

FUJIFILM Corporation

Pressure measurement is crucial to safety and accuracy in production processes from food packaging to semiconductors. Prescale Mobile is a specialized app that offers a new approach to this work, enhancing the quality, consistency and efficiency of inspections. The app is used in conjunction with Prescale pressure measurement film, which provides a visual representation of pressure distribution by turning red when pressure is applied. Rather than relying on subjective judgement, Prescale Mobile’s image analysis technology quantifies these results to facilitate objective interpretation and enhance efficiency through data management.

Date of Launch
Development Time
Target Regions
Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe, North America
Target Groups
Trade / Industry