Genesis House New York
Genesis House New York
Genesis House New York
Genesis House New York
Genesis House New York
Genesis House New York
Genesis House New York
Genesis House New York
Genesis House New York
Genesis House New York
Genesis House New York
Genesis House New York
Genesis House New York
Genesis House New York


Genesis House New York

Spatial Communication


The Genesis House in New York is a multicultural brand space which contains a teahouse, a restaurant and a library curated by luxury auto brand Genesis. Located in the middle of the city’s cultural heat, this dynamic showroom engages its visitors in cultural conversation by immersive cultural experiences through art, food and history. The space, a three-story building which is about 46,000-plus square feet, is the latest work by Suh Architects, who conveyed the brand’s concept of luxury through refined materials and a sense of aesthetics rooted in traditional and contemporary Korean design principles.

Client / Manufacturer


Seoul, KR

Suh Architects

Seoul, KR
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 36 Month
Target Regions
North America
Target Groups
Consumers / Users