Gift from Yan Selection
Gift from Yan Selection
Gift from Yan Selection
Gift from Yan Selection
Gift from Yan Selection
Gift from Yan Selection
Gift from Yan Selection
Gift from Yan Selection
Gift from Yan Selection
Gift from Yan Selection
Gift from Yan Selection
Gift from Yan Selection


Gift from Yan Selection

Food gift box

This gift box of health drinks for women from Yan Selection uses an outer box adorned with graphics of swallows. The lines are simple, smooth, and dynamic, showing nimble and energetic swallows in flight. The packaging perfectly combines an Asian aesthetic and the brand image of Yan Selection, associating both product and producer as swallows that will continue to soar upward.

Client / Manufacturer

SanDuo Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd.

Beijing, CN

Shenzhen Shangtang Technology Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen, CN

Beijing YAN Selection Technology Co., Ltd.

Beijing, CN
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 months
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumer / User, Trade / Industry