Haier Health care bed
Haier Health care bed
Haier Health care bed
Haier Health care bed
Haier Health care bed
Haier Health care bed
Haier Health care bed
Haier Health care bed
Haier Health care bed
Haier Health care bed
Haier Health care bed
Haier Health care bed
Haier Health care bed
Haier Health care bed


Haier Health care bed

Nursing bed

Haier Group

Through barrier-free design, Haier Health care bed series realizes both comfortable sleeping and lying up and moderate care, solves the problem of the elderly's difficulty in lying down and standing up due to the inconvenience of legs and feet, and enhances the comfortable experience and safety of the elderly in the bedroom living scene. The whole machine is designed according to the physiological indicators and behavioral habits of Chinese elderly groups, and through the round appearance.

Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 Month
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumers / Users