Half Moon Parquet
Half Moon Parquet
Half Moon Parquet
Half Moon Parquet
Half Moon Parquet
Half Moon Parquet
Half Moon Parquet
Half Moon Parquet


Half Moon Parquet


Half Moon Parquet, inspired by the serene moon in the forest, embodies a tranquil and comfortable design aesthetic. Wood and stone, the motifs of this design, exude an oriental and graceful serenity. They are refined into the forms of modern geometry, reborn with a special sense of harmony and a classic aura creating a distinctive feeling. This design, embodying the essence of embrace within the Eastern Moon, will infuse a warm and multi-dimensional ambiance to any space. It is also the most sustainable flooring, utilizing Bio-Circular Balanced PVC and a phthalate-free plasticizer, reducing carbon emissions by 114% and 30%, respectively.

Client / Manufacturer

NOX Corporation

Seoul, KR

NOX Corporation

Seoul, KRSunbin Yang
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 6 Month
Target Regions
Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe, North America, South America
Target Groups
Consumers / Users, Trade / Industry