Hand In Scan
Hand In Scan


Hand In Scan

Medical service design

Poor manual hygiene among hospital employees is responsible for an estimated 1.2 million infections per day worldwide. The innovative Hand-in-Scan scanner measures and improves hand disinfection practices among hospital staff. Yet, the technology for reducing hospital infections is just half of the story. Supercharge also applied the power of service design to solve the challenge of motivating hospital staff to use the scanner as a training device to build proper hand hygiene habits. The scanner is fitted with a comprehensive training framework, helping hospitals fight avoidable infections and save lives.

iF Gold Statement

The innovative HandinScan product service provides an analysis tool for monitoring hand hygiene in health service environments. This service design approach helps users check the efficacy of their handwashing techniques in a playful manner. A clever tool for improving hand hygiene of hospital or lab staff!
Client / Manufacturer

HandInScan Zrt.

Budapest, HU
Flying Objects Design Studio Kft.

Flying Objects Design Studio Kft.

Budapest, HU
Supercharge Kft.

Supercharge Kft.

Budapest, HU
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 months
Target Regions
Asia, Europe, North America
Target Groups
Specific sub-group: Hospital staff