Wireless Charger
Hello! is a new wireless charger set a new standard for wireless chargers that could previously not intuitively identify the state of charge. The existing wireless charger was difficult to visually check the state of charge when charging the mobile phone. Another problem is that many bacteria are breeding on mobile phones. So, I thought about a way to continuously charge and sterilize the phone at the same time. I got a hint from the metaphor where the bread bounces out of the toaster. Traditionally we used a toaster to toast bread. I thought that pushing the lever of the toaster down will charge the mobile phone with the baking process.
Life needs a sense of ritual. By going between different products, it can bring different parts of life to offer us a new kind of function. Putting down the phone, recharging it, disinfecting it, you also need to keep away from it for a period of time.
WINNER STATEMENTThe iF DESIGN TALENT AWARD is a good competition that inspires designers. I am pleased to be honored for the design that we planned and that it was able to earn high appraisal at an international design competition.