HiNAS Cloud
HiNAS Cloud
HiNAS Cloud
HiNAS Cloud
HiNAS Cloud
HiNAS Cloud
HiNAS Cloud
HiNAS Cloud
HiNAS Cloud
HiNAS Cloud
HiNAS Cloud
HiNAS Cloud


HiNAS Cloud

Industrial SaaS


Onshore fleet management solution HiNAS Cloud revolutionizes maritime technology by establishing real-time connectivity between the vessel and the fleet management office, thereby enabling risk analysis, voyage status visualization, and recording playback. With safety score based on international regulations for sea, the system reduces the risk of accidents which fosters a transparent maritime ecosystem for smarter decision-making and resource optimization. HiNAS Cloud empowers safety of fleet which aligns with our vision to realize the infinite potential of the ocean by leading the paradigm shift of marine mobility.

Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 24 Month
Target Regions
Asia, Europe, North America
Target Groups
Consumers / Users, Trade / Industry