Hisense Double-outlet AC
Hisense Double-outlet AC
Hisense Double-outlet AC
Hisense Double-outlet AC


Hisense Double-outlet AC

Air conditioner

Hisense Co., Ltd.

This air conditioner uses an innovative double-air-outlet mode: in the summer, the top outlet lets cold air out, making it cool faster with cold air sinking down; in the winter, the bottom outlet lets warm air out, making it warm faster with warm air rising. It can change the room temperature fast and efficiently, to reduce the waste of energy consumption. The middle circular air purification module makes more clean air for users and filters bad environmental conditions such as haze. It also has a human body induction camera to avoid blowing wind direct towards people, and to detect users’ kicking quilt during the night to self-regulate to sleep-mode or stop.

Date of Launch
Development Time
13 - 24 months
Target Regions
Africa, Asia, Australia/Oceania, Europe, North America, South America
Target Groups
Consumer / User