HONOR Smart video
HONOR Smart video
HONOR Smart video
HONOR Smart video
HONOR Smart video
HONOR Smart video
HONOR Smart video
HONOR Smart video
HONOR Smart video
HONOR Smart video


HONOR Smart video

AI large model assisted video creation

Honor Device Co., Ltd

Nowadays, many people want to share their daily life in the form of video, but video creation has a high threshold for most beginners. Smart video is based on the ability of AIGC, intelligent recognition of pictures and language large model, automated search, organization and analysis of massive gallery photo data. Recommend to users or create wonderful personalized videos according to their needs. Users only need to follow the steps to click or simply say their requirements to complete the creation of the video, greatly improving the speed and efficiency of video creation.

Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 6 Month
Target Regions
Asia, Europe, North America, South America
Target Groups
Consumers / Users