Horizonte Collection
Horizonte Collection
Horizonte Collection
Horizonte Collection
Horizonte Collection
Horizonte Collection
Horizonte Collection
Horizonte Collection
Horizonte Collection
Horizonte Collection
Horizonte Collection
Horizonte Collection
Horizonte Collection
Horizonte Collection


Horizonte Collection

Furniture collection

Horizonte is a modular seating collection. The design solves the problem of creating a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing seating solution with a sophisticated style code that can be used in various configurations. The user benefits from exceptional comfort and softness, given by the technologyes applied in cushioning, that ensures the seat maintains its shape and molds itself to the user's body. What makes it unique compared to similar projects is its suspended base, which gives the sofa a special feeling of suspension and adds a touch of elegance. The combination of materials, such as leather or fabric, and the attention to detail.

Client / Manufacturer


Meda, IT

Studio MK27

São Paulo, BRMarcio Kogan, Diana Radomysler, Mariana Ruzante


Meda, IT
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 6 Month
Target Regions
Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe, North America, South America, Africa
Target Groups
Consumers / Users