Humly Booking Device
Humly Booking Device
Humly Booking Device
Humly Booking Device
Humly Booking Device
Humly Booking Device
Humly Booking Device
Humly Booking Device
Humly Booking Device
Humly Booking Device


Humly Booking Device

Room and desktop booking device

Humly Booking Device is a flexible booking device designed to be adaptable to meet the changing requirements of the hybrid workplace and with great versatility in mind for small meeting rooms, desks and other bookable resources, but can also be used to display other things -like personal status in individual offices (like “do not disturb” or “available”), indicate restrictions on patient rooms in hospitals. It is small enough to fit most spaces, but big enough to provide important information and provide a rich user interface. You can book your desk or room.

Client / Manufacturer

Humly Solutions AB

Stockholm, SE
No Picnic AB

No Picnic AB

Stockholm, SEJonas Bergfeldt, Daniel Wikström, Sam Peters
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 24 Month
Target Regions
Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe, North America, South America, Africa
Target Groups
Consumers / Users, Public Sector / Government