Hydrate One UX
Hydrate One UX
Hydrate One UX
Hydrate One UX
Hydrate One UX
Hydrate One UX
Hydrate One UX
Hydrate One UX


Hydrate One UX

Water Purifier

Tineco Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.

Hydrate one is an intelligent water filter system that provides users with a convenient and healthy solution for the drinking water. It supports WIFI control, automatic water replenishment, multi-temperature setting in order to satisfied with different scenario demands. The user interface takes an easy approach to show the real-time TDS level and the water temperature of the hot water tank. When connecting it to the mobile phone, users can adjust the life cycle of the hot water and check the usage of water. It can help users to establish a healthy and pleasant environment of the drinking experience.

Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 Month
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumers / Users