Hyundai Heritage : PONY
Hyundai Heritage : PONY
Hyundai Heritage : PONY
Hyundai Heritage : PONY
Hyundai Heritage : PONY
Hyundai Heritage : PONY
Hyundai Heritage : PONY
Hyundai Heritage : PONY
Hyundai Heritage : PONY
Hyundai Heritage : PONY
Hyundai Heritage : PONY
Hyundai Heritage : PONY
Hyundai Heritage : PONY
Hyundai Heritage : PONY


Hyundai Heritage : PONY

Exhibition Branding

Hyundai Motor Company wanted to track its past and present efforts and show how the focus on humanity could be the basis of the brand’s success and why it is still considered as the core value of brand belief today through the heritage project. Looking back on the challenges of Hyundai Motor Company, which has made possible the impossible that has been the basis of the company since its inception, we wanted to think about what message it gives to us in today's lives, and find answers about what "we are" and what assets we need to continue to inherit in the future.

Client / Manufacturer

Hyundai Motor Group (Hyundai Motor Company)

Seoul, KR
Hyundai Motor Company

Hyundai Motor Company

Seoul, KR
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 Month
Target Regions
Asia, Europe
Target Groups
Consumers / Users, Trade / Industry