IBM Digital Music Player Concepts
IBM Digital Music Player Concepts


IBM Digital Music Player Concepts

Digital music player concepts

IBM Corporation

IBM Design has created a series of design concepts for digital music players, in order to demonstrate that as a product segment becomes established, even to the point of saturation, it is still design that can increase both the end user's delight in an object as well as its usability. IBM investigated the needs of users demographically and culturally, and how the product is used, to develop a variety of forms to excite and intrigue the end user. Collectively the concepts solve many of the usability problems associated with these devices, but each in a unique way. Some players are high style and mysterious to emit an elegant aura, with rich finishes and material choices. Simple and elegant, the cobblestone-shaped player is a tactile joy to hold and touch. The eastern influence is present too in its innovative charging bowl.