IC - Internal Cutter
Power Tool
This tool is specialized to improve the daily work of plumbers. One of the many tasks plumbers are facing daily is to cut off pipes. Some pipes have to be cut off flush with the floor or below floor level. Today, plumbers need to use several big and heavy tools or they have to cut pipes manually with a handsaw. All this is very time consuming and puts a lot of strain on the body. With the new IC power – the Internal Cutter – this task is no longer a problem. The tool will clamp on to the pipe and cut it off from the inside out in one go, with the procedure being very fast and painless for the plumber.
A well thought and developed solution that addresses a real problem for professional builders. The technology is here and so too is the demand, I hope the designer has a patent pending for the IC cutter.
WINNER STATEMENTI’m very thankful for receiving the iF STUDENT DESIGN AWARD 2015, a label that symbolizes my true passion for good product design.
UNIVERSITYUmeå Institute of Design Advanced Product Design
Umeå, SE