IntelliVue MP2, X2
Patient monitor
Philips Medizin Systeme Böblingen GmbH GmbHMP2: A versatile transport solution, easy to use outside of the hospital. (Ambulances, disaster preparation,...) Also adequate for more economical solutions for hospitals. As X2, it can be used as a module to higher level host IntelliVue Monitors. This companion mode provides continuous access to data-transfers between monitors, helping to reduce errors and improve patient safety. Just a single step allows to unplug and go. So compact, it is easily carried by patients in less critical conditions, allowing the patientŽs freedom to roam. * Easy and intuitive to use, touch screen * Solid, lightweight
Client / Manufacturer

Philips Medizin Systeme Böblingen GmbH GmbH
Böblingen, DE